Публікації цього року
- Fedorov Yu.I.,Propagation of Galactic Cosmic Rays in the Heliosphere during Minimum Solar Activity Periods. 2024,Kinematics Phys. Celest. Bodies.- New York: Allerton Press, Inc.,Vol.40,is.2,p.64-76. 2024KPCB...40...64F
- Godunova V.G., Simon A., Markus Y.S., et al.Photometric and colorimetric studies of target objects using small and medium-size telescopes. 2024,Contrib. Astron. Obs. Skalnaté Pleso,Vol.54,N2,p.205-212. 2024CoSka..54b.205G
- Babina Yu.V., Pavlenko E.P., Pit N., et al.Photometric Study of the Asynchronous Polar IGR J19552+0044 in 2019- 2022. 2024,Astrophysics,Vol.533,is.2,p.1654-1669. 2024Ap.....67..149B
- Zhang Z.H., Raddi R., Burgasser A. J., et al.Primeval very low-mass stars and brown dwarfs - VIII. The first age benchmark L subdwarf, a wide companion to a halo white dwarf. 2024,MNRAS,V.533,is.2,p.1654-1669. 2024MNRAS.533.1654Z
- Luk'yanyk I., Kulyk I.V., Shubina O.S., et al.Numerical simulations of exocomet transits: Insights from β Pic and KIC 3542116. 2024,A&A,Vol.688A,p.65 (9 pp.). 2024A&A...688A..65L
- Ovsak A.S.,A Method for Controlling the Reliability of On-Ground Polarimetric Measurements of the Atmosphere. 2024,Kinematics Phys. Celest. Bodies.- New York: Allerton Press, Inc.,Vol.40,is.4,p.235-242. 2024KPCB...40..235O
- Bannikova E.Yu., Berczik P., Akhmetov V.S., et al.N-body simulation of the innermost region of AGN with clumpy torus, wind, dissipation and accretion. 2024,EAS2024, European Astronomical Society Annual Meeting, held in Padova, Italy, July 1-5 July, 2024,Session SS14, id.930, 2024eas..conf..930B
- Sobolenko M., Berczik P., Bannikova E.Yu., et al.Can SMBHB explain the observed internal dynamics of the torus ?. 2024,EAS2024, European Astronomical Society Annual Meeting, held in Padova, Italy, July 1-5 July, 2024,Session SS14, id.858, 2024eas..conf..858S
- Sobolenko M., Berczik P., Polyachenko E. V., et al.Milky Way like potentials in TNG-50 and their application to GCs system evolution. 2024,EAS2024, European Astronomical Society Annual Meeting, held in Padova, Italy, July 1-5 July, 2024,Session S12, id.856, 2024eas..conf..856S
- Sobolenko M., Berczik P., Hao Wei, et al.Gravitational waves from the triple black holes systems. 2024,EAS2024, European Astronomical Society Annual Meeting, held in Padova, Italy, July 1-5 July, 2024,Session S2, id.854, 2024eas..conf..854S
- Berczik P., Ishchenko M.V., Sobolenko M.,Formation and evolution of the Nuclear Star Cluster in the Milky Way and other spiral galaxies on the cosmological time scale. 2024,EAS2024, European Astronomical Society Annual Meeting, held in Padova, Italy, July 1-5 July, 2024,Session S3, id.629, 2024eas..conf..629B
- Berczik P., Sobolenko M., Ishchenko M.V.,The impact of post-Newtonian effects on massive black hole binary evolution from 1000 to 10 Rsch separations. 2024,EAS2024, European Astronomical Society Annual Meeting, held in Padova, Italy, July 1-5 July, 2024,Session S2, id.628, 2024eas..conf..628B
- Ishchenko M.V., Sobolenko M., Berczik P., et al.A possibility of the Milky Way globular clusters interaction rates on cosmological timescales based on Gaia RD3. 2024,EAS2024, European Astronomical Society Annual Meeting, held in Padova, Italy, July 1-5 July, 2024,Session S4, id.389, 2024eas..conf..389I
- Ishchenko M.V., Kovaleva D.A., Berczik P., et al.VizieR Online Data Catalog: Star cluster systems Collinder 135 and UBC 7 (Ishchenko+, 2024). 2024,VizieR On-line Data Catalog, 2024yCat..36860225I
- Berczik P., Sobolenko M., Ishchenko M.V.,Dynamical evolution timescales for the triple supermassive black hole system in NGC 6240. 2024,A&A,Vol.687L,p.18 (13 pp.). 2024A&A...687L..18B
- Shubina O.S., Zubko E., Kleshchonok V., et al.Dust properties and their variations in comet C/2013 X1 (PANSTARRS). 2024,A&A,Vol.687A,p.297 (12 pp.). 2024A&A...687A.297S
- Torbaniuk O., Paolillo M., D'Abrusco R., et al.Probing supermassive black hole growth and its dependence on stellar mass and star formation rate in low- redshift galaxies. 2024,MNRAS,Vol.527,is.4,p.12091-12108. 2024MNRAS.52712091T
- Cavuoti S., De Cicco D., Doorenbos L., et al.Identification of problematic epochs in astronomical time series through transfer learning. 2024,A&A,Vol.687,p.A246 (19 pp.). 2024A&A...687A.246C
- Ishchenko M.V., Kovaleva D.A., Berczik P., et al.Star-by-star dynamical evolution of the physical pair of the Collinder 135 and UBC 7 open clusters. 2024,A&A,Vol.686A,p.225 (13 pp.). 2024A&A...686A.225I
- Berczik P., Nitadori K., Zhong Sh., et al.phi-GPU: Parallel Hermite Integration on GPU. 2024,Astrophysics Source Code Library,record ascl: 2406.027, 2024ascl.soft06027B
- Yu R., Shi Yu., Milinevsky G.,The impact of Tonga volcano eruption on the mid-latitude atmosphere by producing large amounts of water vapor. 2024,Intern. Conf. "Astronomy and Space Physics in the Kyiv University", Kyiv, May 28- 31, 2024: Book of abstr.,c.97-98. http://www.observ.univ.kiev.ua/conference/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/BookOfAbstracts-2024.May22.pdf
- Sinyavskiy I.I., Danylevsky V.O., Ivanov Yu.S., et al.Imaging polarimeter for the stratosphere aerosol study from the near- earth orbit at the wavelength 1.378 μm. 2024,Intern. Conf. "Astronomy and Space Physics in the Kyiv University", Kyiv, May 28- 31, 2024: Book of abstr.,p.94-96. http://www.observ.univ.kiev.ua/conference/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/BookOfAbstracts-2024.May22.pdf
- Sun X., Wang L., Shi Yu., et al.Ground-based microwave radiometer with a cooling front- end for ozone and carbon monoxide monitoring in the stratosphere and mesosphere. 2024,Intern. Conf. "Astronomy and Space Physics in the Kyiv University", Kyiv, May 28- 31, 2024: Book of abstr.,p.92-93. http://www.observ.univ.kiev.ua/conference/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/BookOfAbstracts-2024.May22.pdf
- Sun X., Solomakha M., Kozak L.V., et al.Change in the electrical characteristics of the atmosphere in the presence of aerosols. 2024,Intern. Conf. "Astronomy and Space Physics in the Kyiv University", Kyiv, May 28- 31, 2024: Book of abstr.,p.91-92. http://www.observ.univ.kiev.ua/conference/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/BookOfAbstracts-2024.May22.pdf
- Grytsai A.V., Milinevsky G., Yu R., et al.Relationship between Arctic sudden stratospheric warmings and total ozone variations over Europe. 2024,Intern. Conf. "Astronomy and Space Physics in the Kyiv University", Kyiv, May 28- 31, 2024: Book of abstr.,p.80-81. http://www.observ.univ.kiev.ua/conference/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/BookOfAbstracts-2024.May22.pdf
- Shi Yu., Milinevsky G.,The profile of ozone measured by microwave radiometer RSO3CO in winter 2023/ 2024 over Changchun, Northeast China. 2024,Intern. Conf. "Astronomy and Space Physics in the Kyiv University", Kyiv, May 28- 31, 2024: Book of abstr.,p.90-91. http://www.observ.univ.kiev.ua/conference/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/BookOfAbstracts-2024.May22.pdf
- Ovsak О.,About reliability control of polarimetric clear sky measurements. 2024,Intern. Conf. "Astronomy and Space Physics in the Kyiv University", Kyiv, May 28- 31, 2024: Book of abstr.,p.72-73. http://www.observ.univ.kiev.ua/conference/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/BookOfAbstracts-2024.May22.pdf
- Andrienko Yu., Grytsai A.V., Milinevsky G.,The vertical ozone profiles over the Faraday/ Vernadsky station, Antarctic Peninsula: peculiarities and trends. 2024,Intern. Conf. "Astronomy and Space Physics in the Kyiv University", Kyiv, May 28- 31, 2024: Book of abstr.,p.69-70. http://www.observ.univ.kiev.ua/conference/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/BookOfAbstracts-2024.May22.pdf
- Zharkova V.V., Vasiljeva I.E.,ENSO Index Variations and Links with Solar and Volcanic Activity. 2024,Intern. Conf. "Astronomy and Space Physics in the Kyiv University", Kyiv, May 28- 31, 2024: Book of abstr.,p.66. http://www.observ.univ.kiev.ua/conference/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/BookOfAbstracts-2024.May22.pdf
- Zharkova V.V., Zharkov S.I.,Particle transport effects derived in a few solar flares with sunquakes in cycle 25. 2024,Intern. Conf. "Astronomy and Space Physics in the Kyiv University", Kyiv, May 28- 31, 2024: Book of abstr.,p.65. http://www.observ.univ.kiev.ua/conference/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/BookOfAbstracts-2024.May22.pdf
- Pasechnik M.M.,Motion features of chromospheric plasma in the magnetic loops of arch filament system. 2024,Intern. Conf. "Astronomy and Space Physics in the Kyiv University", Kyiv, May 28- 31, 2024: Book of abstr.,p.62-63. http://www.observ.univ.kiev.ua/conference/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/BookOfAbstracts-2024.May22.pdf
- Osipov S.N., Pishkalo M.I.,Height of the solar polar chromosphere in 2012 - 2024. 2024,Intern. Conf. "Astronomy and Space Physics in the Kyiv University", Kyiv, May 28- 31, 2024: Book of abstr.,p.61-62. http://www.observ.univ.kiev.ua/conference/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/BookOfAbstracts-2024.May22.pdf
- Kostyk R.I.,Solar faculaes and flocculi: observations and modelling. 2024,Intern. Conf. "Astronomy and Space Physics in the Kyiv University", Kyiv, May 28- 31, 2024: Book of abstr.,p.58-59. http://www.observ.univ.kiev.ua/conference/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/BookOfAbstracts-2024.May22.pdf
- Kondrashova N.N., Krivodubskiy V.N.,Anti-Hale solar active regions with high flaring activity. 2024,Intern. Conf. "Astronomy and Space Physics in the Kyiv University", Kyiv, May 28- 31, 2024: Book of abstr.,p.57-58. http://www.observ.univ.kiev.ua/conference/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/BookOfAbstracts-2024.May22.pdf
- Pyshna O., Baransky A., Simon A., et al.Lisnyky observational station contributions to GRANDMA collaboration. 2024,Intern. Conf. "Astronomy and Space Physics in the Kyiv University", Kyiv, May 28- 31, 2024: Book of abstr.,p.51. http://www.observ.univ.kiev.ua/conference/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/BookOfAbstracts-2024.May22.pdf
- Luk'yanyk I., Karbovsky V.L., Buromsky M.I., et al.Modernization of the AZT-8 telescope. 2024,Intern. Conf. "Astronomy and Space Physics in the Kyiv University", Kyiv, May 28- 31, 2024: Book of abstr.,p.49-50. http://www.observ.univ.kiev.ua/conference/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/BookOfAbstracts-2024.May22.pdf
- Kulyk I.V., Lukyanyk I.V., Ivanova О.V.,Centaur 174P/ Echeclus: surface color from the post perihelion follow up observations. 2024,Intern. Conf. "Astronomy and Space Physics in the Kyiv University", Kyiv, May 28- 31, 2024: Book of abstr.,p.48-49. http://www.observ.univ.kiev.ua/conference/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/BookOfAbstracts-2024.May22.pdf
- Borysenko S.A., Baransky A., Sokoliuk O.,First results of broadband observations of selected comets with SkyMapper telescope. 2024,Intern. Conf. "Astronomy and Space Physics in the Kyiv University", Kyiv, May 28- 31, 2024: Book of abstr.,p.44. http://www.observ.univ.kiev.ua/conference/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/BookOfAbstracts-2024.May22.pdf
- Voitko A., Ivanova О.V.,Short-term dust color variations of distant comets. 2024,Intern. Conf. "Astronomy and Space Physics in the Kyiv University", Kyiv, May 28- 31, 2024: Book of abstr.,p.42. http://www.observ.univ.kiev.ua/conference/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/BookOfAbstracts-2024.May22.pdf
- Rosenbush V.K., Ivanova О.V., Lukyanyk I.V., et al.Comet 67P/ Churyumov- Gerasimenko in the 2021/2022 apparition: Preliminary results of observations. 2024,Intern. Conf. "Astronomy and Space Physics in the Kyiv University", Kyiv, May 28- 31, 2024: Book of abstr.,p.39-40. http://www.observ.univ.kiev.ua/conference/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/BookOfAbstracts-2024.May22.pdf
- Izviekova I.O., Vavilova I.B., Butenko G.Z., et al.The result of the monitoring of the selected isolated AGNs in the optical range for 2021 at the Terskol Observatory. 2024,Intern. Conf. "Astronomy and Space Physics in the Kyiv University", Kyiv, May 28- 31, 2024: Book of abstr.,p.24. http://www.observ.univ.kiev.ua/conference/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/BookOfAbstracts-2024.May22.pdf
- Fedorova E., Zadorozhna L.V., Tugay A.V., et al.Separating the spectral counterparts in NGC 1275/ Perseus cluster in X- rays. 2024,Intern. Conf. "Astronomy and Space Physics in the Kyiv University", Kyiv, May 28- 31, 2024: Book of abstr.,p.23. http://www.observ.univ.kiev.ua/conference/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/BookOfAbstracts-2024.May22.pdf
- Zharkova V.V.,Particle acceleration in 3D reconnecting current sheets with magnetic islands in solar flares and interplanetary environment. 2024,Intern. Conf. "Astronomy and Space Physics in the Kyiv University", Kyiv, May 28- 31, 2024: Book of abstr.,p.21. http://www.observ.univ.kiev.ua/conference/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/BookOfAbstracts-2024.May22.pdf
- Shchukina N.G., Trujillo Bueno J.,Magnetic diagnostics of the solar corona using EUV lines. 2024,Intern. Conf. "Astronomy and Space Physics in the Kyiv University", Kyiv, May 28- 31, 2024: Book of abstr.,p.20. http://www.observ.univ.kiev.ua/conference/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/BookOfAbstracts-2024.May22.pdf
- Krugly Yu.N., Belskaya I.N., Donchev Z., et al.DART experiment: the impact on Dimorphos and Didymos. 2024,Intern. Conf. "Astronomy and Space Physics in the Kyiv University", Kyiv, May 28- 31, 2024: Book of abstr.,p.16-17. http://www.observ.univ.kiev.ua/conference/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/BookOfAbstracts-2024.May22.pdf
- Allard F., Pavlenko Ya.V., Lyubchik Y., et al.Correction to: A blue depression in the optical spectra of M dwarfs. 2024,MNRAS,Vol.532,is.1,p.29. 2024MNRAS.532..209J
- Martín E. L., Zhang J.-Y., Lanchas H., et al.Optical properties of Y dwarfs observed with the Gran Telescopio Canarias. 2024,A&A,Vol.686,id. A73 (9 pp.). 2024A&A...686A..73M
- Troianskyi V., Godunova V.G., Serebryanskiy A., et al.Optical observations of the potentially hazardous asteroid (4660) Nereus at opposition 2021. 2024,Icarus,Vol.420,id.116146, 2024Icar..42016146T
- Husar D., Pasche W., Jahn J., et al.Observations and Orbits of Comets and a/ Objects. 2024,Minor Planet Electronic Circular,No. 2024-K130 (May 2024), 2024MPEC....K..130H
- Vavilova I.B., Dobrycheva D.V., Khramtsov V.P., et al.Machine Learning of Galaxy Classification by their Images and Photometry. 2024,Astromical Data Analysis Software and Systems XXXI: Proc. of the Conf., held at Cape Town, South Africa, Oct. 24-28, 2021// Astronomical Society of the Pacific (ASP) Conf. Ser.,Vol.535,p.103. 2024ASPC..535..103V
- Oliveira C. B., Krabbe A. C., Dors O. L., et al.Chemical abundances of LINER galaxies - nitrogen abundance estimations. 2024,MNRAS,Vol.531,is.1,p.199-212. 2024MNRAS.531..199O
- Muinonen K., Kiselev N.N., Rosenbush V.K., et al.New Polarimetric Data for the Galilean Satellites: Io and Ganymede Observations and Modeling. 2024,The Planetary Science Journal,Vol.5,is.1,p.10 (16 pp.). 2024PSJ.....5...10K
- Maliuk A.A., Krushevska V., Shugarov S.Yu., et al.Photometric study of the Delta Scuti variable 2MASS J13122513+ 5443409 in UMa. 2024,Contrib. Astron. Obs. Skalnaté Pleso,V.54,No.2,p.198-204. 2024CoSka..54b.198M
- Ishchenko M.V., Berczik P., Sobolenko M.,Milky Way globular clusters on cosmological timescales. IV. Guests in the outer Solar System. 2024,A&A,Vol.683,p.A146 (11 pp.). 2024A&A...683A.146I
- Sinyavskiy I.I., Castro Tirado A.J., Ivanov Yu.S., et al.A wide-angle Stokes polarimeter for the BOOTES network of telescopes. Optical and mechanical design. 2024,КНіТ,T.30,N2,c.XX.
- Федоров Ю.І.,Поширення галактичних космічних променів у геліосфері у періоди мінімальної сонячної активності. 2024,Кінематика і фізика небесних тіл,Т.40,N2,c.17-36. https://www.mao.kiev.ua/biblio/jscans/kfnt/2024-40/kfnt-2024-40-2-02-fedorov.pdf
- Khoda O.,Propagation of the IGb14 Reference Frame on the Territory of Ukraine Based on Results of the Analysis of GNSS Observations for GPS Weeks 2106- 2237. 2024,Kinematics Phys. Celest. Bodies,Vol.40,is.1,p.47-53. 2024KPCB...40...47K
- Euclid Collaboration, Leuzzi L., Meneghetti M., et al.Euclid preparation. XXXIII. Characterization of convolutional neural networks for the identification of galaxy- galaxy strong- lensing events. 2024,A&A,Vol.681,p.A68 (23 pp.). 2024A&A...681A..68E
- Euclid Collaboration, Giocoli C., Meneghetti M., et al.Euclid preparation. XXXII. Evaluating the weak-lensing cluster mass biases using the Three Hundred Project hydrodynamical simulations. 2024,A&A,Vol.681,p.A67 (17 pp.). 2024A&A...681A..67E
- Arca Sedda M., Kamlah A. W. H., Spurzem R., et al.The DRAGON-II simulations - III. Compact binary mergers in clusters with up to 1 million stars: mass, spin, eccentricity, merger rate, and pair instability supernovae rate. 2024,MNRAS,Vol.528,is.3,p.5140-5159. 2024MNRAS.528.5140A
- Arca Sedda M., Kamlah A. W. H., Spurzem R., et al.The DRAGON-II simulations - I. Evolution of single and binary compact objects in star clusters with up to 1 million stars. 2024,MNRAS,Vol.528,is.3,p.5119-5139. 2024MNRAS.528.5119A
- Ruiz-Rocha K., Holley- Bockelmann K., Khan F. M., et al.The Dynamics of Intermediate Mass Black Hole Binaries in Dwarf Galaxies. 2024,243rd Meeting of the American Astronomical Society// Bull. of the AAS,Vol.56,No.2,e-id 2024n2i110p12. 2024AAS...24311012R
- Kostyk R.I.,Solar Faculae and Flocculent Flows: Spectropolarimetric and Filter Observations in the Fe I, Ba II, and Ca II Lines. 2024,Kinematics Phys. Celest. Bodies,Vol.40,N1,p.40-46. 2024KPCB...40...40K
- Yurchenko S.N., Szajna W., Hakalla R., et al.ExoMol line lists - LIV. Empirical line lists for AlH and AlD and experimental emission spectroscopy of AlD in A1Π (v = 0, 1, 2). 2024,MNRAS,Vol.527,is.4,p.9736-9756. 2024MNRAS.527.9736Y
- Hejazi N., Crossfield I. J. M., Souto D., et al.Elemental Abundances of Planet- Host Cool Dwarfs: Clues on Planet Formation and Evolution. 2024,243rd Meeting of the American Astronomical Society// Bull. of the AAS,Vol.56,No. 2,e-id 2024n2i432p01. 2024AAS...24343201H
- Dobrycheva D.V., Vasylenko M., Kulyk I.V., et al.Hunting for exocomet transits in the TESS database using the Random Forest method. 2024,eprint arXiv, 2024arXiv240219075D
- Cockell Ch.S., Kozyrovska N.O., Kulyk I.V., et al.Planetary research and the search for life beyond Earth in Kyiv, Ukraine. 2024,Nature Astronomy,Vol.8,p.158-159. 2024NatAs...8..158C
- Bromley S. J., Noonan J. Wm., Cochran A. L., et al.An updated fluorescence emission model of CO+ for cometary science. 2024,MNRAS,Vol.528,is.4,p.7358-7375. 2024MNRAS.528.7358B
- Shubina O.S., Ivanova О.V., Petrov D., et al.Pre-perihelion observations of long- period comet C/2013 X1 (PANSTARRS). 2024,MNRAS,Vol.528,is.4,p.7027-7036. 2024MNRAS.528.7027S
- Voitko A., Zubko E., Ivanova О.V., et al.Dust color variations of comet C/2016 M1 (PanSTARRS). 2024,Icarus,Vol.411,id. 115967. 2024Icar..41115967V
- Хода О.О.,Поширення системи відліку IGb14 на територію України за результатами аналізу ГНСС-спостережень для GPS- тижнів 2106-2237. 2024,Кінематика і фізика небесних тіл,T.40,N1,c.75-87. https://www.mao.kiev.ua/biblio/jscans/kfnt/2024-40/kfnt-2024-40-1-05-khoda.pdf
- Костик Р.І.,Сонячні факели та флокули: спектрополяриметричні та фільтрові спостереження у лініях Fe I, Ba II та Ca II. 2024,Кінематика і фізика небесних тіл,T.40,N1,c.65-74. https://www.mao.kiev.ua/biblio/jscans/kfnt/2024-40/kfnt-2024-40-1-04-kostik.pdf
- Іванюк О.М.,Хімічний склад та властивості F-, G-, K-зір - кандидатів на наявність планетних систем. 2024,Автореф.дис. канд. фіз.- мат. наук.,28 с.
- Яцків Я.С.,Наукова періодика НАН України: на порозі змін? (доповідь на засіданні круглого столу "Наукова періодика в Україні" 28 листопада 2023 р.. 2024,Вісник НАН України,N2,с.59-67.
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- Pilyugin L.S., Tautvaišienė G.,Two sequences of spiral galaxies with different shapes of the metallicity gradients. 2024,A&A,Vol.682A,p.41 (20 pp.). 2024A&A...682A..41P
- Shi Yu., Evtushevsky O.M., Milinevsky G., et al.Impact of the 2018 major sudden stratospheric warming on weather over the midlatitude regions of Eastern Europe and East Asia. 2024,Atmospheric Research,Vol.297,article id. 107112. 2024AtmRe.29707112S
- Owens A., Wright S.O.M., Pavlenko Ya.V.,ExoMol line lists - LI. Molecular line lists for lithium hydroxide (LiOH). 2024,MNRAS,Vol.527,is.1,p.731-738. 2024MNRAS.527..731O
- Solano E., Marcy G.W., Villarroel B., et al.A bright triple transient that vanished within 50 min. 2024,MNRAS,Vol.527,is.3 (In Progress),p.6312-6320. https://doi.org/10.1093/mnras/stad3422