• Shu Q., Kouwenhoven M.B.N., Spurzem R., et al.Dynamical evolution of massless particles in star clusters with NBODY6++GPU- MASSLESS: I. Free-floating MLPs. 2025,A&A,Vol.693A,p.166 (10 pp.). 2025A&A...693A.166F





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The Department for Solar Physics


The head of the Department Dr.Sci., the Correspond member of the NASU Shchukina N.G.

Kiev was in the band of the total Solar eclipse on June 30 1954. Before this event some instruments were built for the eclipse observations in the Observatory. Three-camera astrograph and diffractional spectrograph were used for further regular Solar observations after solar eclipse. This was the beginning of the regular Solar researches in the Observatory..

The Solar Physics Department as the structural part of the Observatory was approved by the Academy of Sciences of Ukrainian SSR Presidium in 1964. The first head of the Department was Dr.Sci., Prof. Gurtovenko E.A. (1928-1994). Dr.Sci., the Correspond member of NASU Kostyk R.I. leaded the Department since 1983. Since 2003 the head of the Department is Dr.Sci, the Correspond member of the NASU Shchukina N.G.


Shchukina Nataliya the Head of the Department Dr.Sci., the Correspond member of NASU shchukin(at)mao.kiev.ua room 229
Kostik Roman major researcher Dr.Sci., the Correspond member of NASU kostik(at)mao.kiev.ua room 320
Osipov Sergei senior researcher PhD osipov(at)mao.kiev.ua ATsU-5
Vasiljeva Irina senior researcher PhD vasil(at)mao.kiev.ua room 302a
Kondrashova Nina researcher PhD kondr(at)mao.kiev.ua room 303
Chornogor Svetlanaна researcher PhD chornog(at)mao.kiev.ua room 303
Sukhorukov Andriy researcher PhD. suh(at)mao.kiev.ua room 302
Pasechnik Margarita researcher PhD rita(at)mao.kiev.ua room 303