Dear friends and colleagues,
The IAU would like to invite you all to the LIVE-streaming of the press conference revealing the results of the more than 100 IAU100 NameExoWorlds campaigns in countries around the world.
When: 17 December 2019 11:00–12:00 CET.
Where: Observatoire de Paris, Salle Cassini
What: A press conference to present the results of the NameExoWorlds campaign to name more than 100 exoplanets and host stars.
Who: IAU officials and project coordinators from the NameExoWorlds campaign, including the participation of the National Coordinator of the NameExoWorlds campaign in France.
Live streaming: The press conference will be streamed online on the IAU YouTube Channel.
Stay tuned for the IAU press release issued shortly after the start of the conference at 11:00 CET!
Lina Canas, on behalf of the IAU Office for Astronomy Outreach Team
Jorge Rivero, on behalf of the IAU100 Secretariat
Other links to online stream:
24.12.2019 :: https://tayga.info/151065
23.12.2019 :: http://newsru.co.il/israel/23dec2019/aleph_tevel303.html
23.12.2019 :: https://expert.in.ua/novosti/0/574-ukraintsam-dali-vozmozhnost-vibrat-imya-dlya-zvezdi-v-sozvezdii-perseya/
23.12.2019 :: https://www.nikopoltoday.com/article-225/Svit-De-ukrainci-budut-buduvati-svou-persu-koloniu-v-kosmosi
22.12.2019 :: https://news.meta.ua/cluster:68259236-Ekzoplanety-Bereginia-i-Trizub-uzhe-nad-vashimi-golovami/
21.12.2019 :: https://svitnov.com/ua/science/110203864-v-kosmose-pojavilis-trizub-i-bereginja/
20.12.2019 :: https://zen.yandex.ru/media/chaindogru/ukraina-zavoevyvaet-kosmos-chast-2-5dfb46d3fc69ab00ac218e2d
20.12.2019 :: https://www.0342.ua/news/2609362/ak-ukrainci-obirali-nazvi-dalekij-zirci-ta-ekzoplaneti
19.12.2019 :: https://bukovyna.online/2019/12/19/ykra%D1%97nc%D1%96-dali-nazvi-dalek%D1%96i-z%D1%96rc%D1%96-%D1%96-ekzop/
19.12.2019 :: https://newsman.kyiv.ua/ukra%D1%97nci-dali-nazvi-zirci-ta-ekzoplaneti.html
19.12.2019 :: https://www.pressreader.com/
19.12.2019 :: http://revalex.ucoz.org/news/
19.12.2019 :: https://www.maria-online.us/culinary/article.php?lg=be&q=%D0%AD%D0%BA%D0%B7%D0%B0%D0%BF%D0%BB%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B5%D1%82%D0%B0
19.12.2019 :: https://rubryka.com/2019/12/19/ukrayinski-astronomy-daly-nazvy-ekzoplaneti-ta-dalekij-zirtsi/
19.12.2019 :: https://www.rupor.info/news/153657/ukraintsy-vybrali-svoi-imena-dlya-odnoy-zvezdy-i-ekzoplanety/
19.12.2019 :: Tryzub and Berehynia have appeared in the space Web-portal "Ukrainsky interes"
19.12.2019 :: Berehynia and Tryzub Web-site RIAN
18.12.2019 :: http://novostey.com/science/news890956.html
18.12.2019 :: https://www.publika.ua/main/news/42668927/
18.12.2019 :: https://newsbay.info/trezubets-i-bereginya-ukraintsy-vybrali-nazvaniya-dalekoy-zvezde-i-ekzoplaneti/
18.12.2019 :: http://expert.in.ua/novosti/0/574-ukraintsam-dali-vozmozhnost-vibrat-imya-dlya-zvezdi-v-sozvezdii-perseya/
18.12.2019 :: https://onosamo.livejournal.com/311998.html
18.12.2019 :: https://newsman.kyiv.ua/ukra%D1%97nci-dali-nazvi-zirci-ta-ekzoplaneti.html
18.12.2019 :: Ukrainians have given names for distant star and exoplanet Search engine META
18.12.2019 :: Ukrainians have chosen names for distant star and exoplanet. Now, stellar objects have names Berehynia and Tryzub. Web-site "Nova hodyna"
18.12.2019 :: Henceforth Ukraine has its "own" star and the exoplanet! Ukrainian astronomical portal
18.12.2019 :: Berehynia and Tryzub: part of space out of Solar System borders has become "ukrainian" Web-site "Kozatsky krai"
18.12.2019 :: Ukraine has given names for the star and exoplanet Web-portal gloss.ua
18.12.2019 :: Tryzub and Berehynia: Ukraine has given names for the star and exoplanet Web-portal "Наш Киев"
18.12.2019 :: Ukrainians have given names for distant star and exoplanet Web-portal «ZN.UA»
18.12.2019 :: Ukrainians have given names for the star and the exoplanet Web-portal "Korrespondent.net"
18.12.2019 :: Banner Web-site NameExoWorlds in the web-portal of MAO NAS of Ukraine
18.12.2019 :: Flyer Web-site NameExoWorlds in the web-portal of MAO NAS of Ukraine
18.12.2019 :: Berehynia and Tryzub. Ukrainians have given names for the star and the exoplanet out of the borders of the Solar System News aggregator "Publika"
18.12.2019 :: Ukraine gave the name Tryzub to the planet Blog onosamo.livejournal.com
18.12.2019 :: Berehynia and Tryzub. Ukrainians have given names for the star and the exoplanet out of the borders of the Solar System Web-portal "Obrii"
18.12.2019 :: Ukrainians have given names Berehynia and Tryzub to the star and the exoplanet InfoAgency "Ukrainian News"
18.12.2019 :: Ukrainian names have appeared in the Perseus constellation Web-portal Lenta.UA
18.12.2019 :: Ukrainians have given names for the distant star and the exoplanet Web-portal «VLASTI.NET»
18.12.2019 :: HAT-P-15 Web-portal "Wikipedia"
18.12.2019 :: Exoplanets Berehynia and Tryzub: just above our heads Web-portal "Granit nauki"
18.12.2019 :: Ukraine has given the name Tryzub to exoplanet Web-portal "UA.NEWS"
18.12.2019 :: Ukraine has given names to the star and the exoplanet in honor of the goddess and the coat of arms Web-portal "NEWSONE"
18.12.2019 :: Ukrainians have given names to the distant star and the exoplanet Web-portal "UAZMI"
18.12.2019 :: Ukrainians have given names to the distant star and the exoplanet News portal "BitukMedia"
18.12.2019 :: Berehynia and Tryzub. Ukrainians have given names for the star and the exoplanet out of the borders of the Solar System Web-portal "STRANA.ua"
18.12.2019 :: Among 100 countries of the world, Ukrainians were entrusted to name a new star and exoplanet Web-site L’Officiel
18.12.2019 :: Among almost a hundred proposals, Ukrainians chose the name Berehynia for the star HAT-P-15 in the Perseus constellation Веб-портал zik.ua
18.12.2019 :: Now, there are Berehynia star and Tryzub exoplanet in the space FB-page BBC News Ukrainian
18.12.2019 :: Ukrainians have chosen names for distant star and exoplanet Web-portal LB.ua
18.12.2019 :: Part of the space has become "Ukrainian": the complete list of names by countries is published Web-portal APOSTROPH
18.12.2019 :: Berehynia and Tryzub. Ukraine has given the names to the exoplanet and the star in the Perseus constellation Web-site thebabel.ne
18.12.2019 :: Ukrainians have chosen names for distant star and exoplanet News site rezonans.info
18.12.2019 :: Ukrainians have selected names for distant star and exoplanet News portal "NEWSMIR"
18.12.2019 :: Ukraine has chosen names for the star and the exoplanet Web-portal liga.net
18.12.2019 :: Berehynia and Tryzub: Ukraine has named the exoplanet and the star Web-portal "The Village"
18.12.2019 :: Ukrainians have chosen names for distant star and exoplanet Web-portal LB.ua
18.12.2019 :: Ukrainians have chosen names for distant star and exoplanet Web-site sharij.net
18.12.2019 :: Ukraine gives names for the star and exoplanet: what kind of contest was it and what was the names of space objects. Web-portal "UAZMI"
18.12.2019 :: https://stena.club/2019/12/18/ykraincy-vybrali-nazvaniia-dalekoi-zvezde-i-ekzoplanete/
18.12.2019 :: http://7news.in.ua/showbiz/1097802-ukraintsy-dali-nazvaniia-zvezde-i-ehkzoplanete
18.12.2019 :: https://www.rupor.info/news/153657/ukraintsy-vybrali-svoi-imena-dlya-odnoy-zvezdy-i-ekzoplanety
17.12.2019 :: https://newsukrainy.blogspot.com/
17.12.2019 :: https://news.myseldon.com/ru/news/index/220664749?requestId=54b01bb7-7822-429c-ac64-6ff337606a64
17.12.2019 :: Part of space has become "Ukrainian": details Web-portal "Ekonomicheskie novosti"
17.12.2019 :: Tryzub, Solaris, Dombay and others. Countries have chosen names for 112 exoplanets and their stars Web-site comunicart.ru
17.12.2019 :: Part of space has become "Ukrainian": the complete list of names by countries is published Web-site twnews.co
17.12.2019 :: 100 000s of People from 112 Countries Select Names for Exoplanet Systems twitter.com/iau_org
17.12.2019 :: Nézd mama, az ott a Hunor csillag, igaz? Web-site eper.elte.hu
17.12.2019 :: Tryzub and Berehynia: Ukrainians decided on the names of a distant star and exoplanet BBC News Ukraine
17.12.2019 :: Ukrainians decided on the names of a distant star and planet Web-portal "Suspilne.UA"
17.12.2019 :: Tryzub and Berehynia: part of space beyond the limits of the solar system has become "Ukrainian" Web-site "patrioty.org.ua"
17.12.2019 :: Trizub and Solaris - countries have chosen names for 112 exoplanets and their stars"UNIAN" Information Agency
17.12.2019 :: Trizub, Solaris, Dombay and others. Countries of the world have chosen names for 112 exoplanets and their starsBBC News Russian
28.11.2019 :: The name of new exoplanet proposed by Ukrainians will be announced on December 17 Веб-портал "9 канал"
29.08.2019 :: Give the name to the planet Web-portal "Suspilne oko"
28.08.2019 :: Ukrainians can propose the name for the planet and the star Web-portal "Osvitoria"
26.08.2019 :: Give the name for the stellar system HAT-P-15 FB-page "ScienceUkraine"
26.08.2019 :: IAU100 NameExoWorlds Contest: make up a name for a star or planet Web-portal of Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University
25.08.2019 :: International contest: propose your name to the star and planet Youtube
20.08.2019 :: Each Kharkov citizen has a unique chance associated with space (photo) Web-portal gx.net.ua
14.08.2019 :: Citizens of 70 countries will be able to choose names for planetary systems. News site "UA.TV"
14.08.2019:: Give the name to the exoplanet and the star – astronomical association has announced the interesting contest Web-portal zanoza-news.com
13.08.2019 :: The name for the star and the planet will be chosen at the all-Ukrainian contest. Web-portal "KIEV24.UA"
13.08.2019 :: The name for the star and the planet will be chosen at the all-Ukrainian contest: how to participate. Web-portal vechirniy.kyiv.ua
13.08.2019 :: Turn on the fantasy: Ukrainians can make up names for the stars and the planet. Web-portal "VGORODE.UA"
13.08.2019 :: The name for the star and the planet will be chosen at the all-Ukrainian contest: how to participate. Web-portal "KRAPKA.RV.UA"
13.08.2019:: UAA has announced the all-Ukrainian contest for names the exoplanet and the star Web-portal kharkov.areas.news
10.08.2019 :: Ukrainians can suggest a name for the planet: how to participate. Web-portal "LvivNEWS"
10.08.2019 :: Ukrainians can suggest a name for the planet: how to participate. Web-portal m2-house.zt.ua
10.08.2019:: Ukrainians can propose the name for the planet and the star: how to participate Web-portal "Worldwide news"
9.08.2019:: Ukrainians can propose the name for the planet and the star: how to participate Web-portal "Companion UA"
09.08.2019 :: Ukrainians can suggest a name for the planet: how to do it. Web-portal "The Koz Telegram"
09.08.2019 :: Ukrainians can make up names for the stars and the planet: how to participate. Web-portal "The WORLD NEWS"
09.08.2019 :: The International Astronomical Union proposes to make uph Ukrainian names for the star and the planet. Web-portal "IOD.MEDIA"
09.08.2019 :: Ukrainians can suggest a name for the planet: how to participate. Web-portal "ProVseUA"
09.08.2019 :: Ukrainians can suggest a name for the planet: how to participate. Web-portal "24tv.ua"
08.08.2019 :: NameExoWorlds IAU100 Contest: Suggest Your Names for Planets and Stars. Web-portal "Lvivska Politekhnika"
08.08.2019 :: Citizens of Dnipro are offered to make up a name for the star. Web-portal dpchas.com.ua
07.08.2019 :: Give the name to the star. The Astronomical Union has announced a competition for naming planetary systems Web-portal "Dilo"
07.08.2019 :: No Zelensky, no Poroshenko: ctizens of Dnipro are offered to make up a name for the star. Web-portal city of Dnipro nashemisto.dp.ua
07.08.2019 :: You can name the planet as you want!. Web-site "KUNSHT"
06.08.2019 :: Ukrainian Astronomical Association (UAA) announces all-Ukrainian competition for the best names for the parent star and its satellite planet. Web-page "In memory of Klim Churyumov"
06.08.2019 :: IAU100 NameExoWorlds contest. Web-portal of NAN of Ukraine
03.08.2019 :: «IAU100 NameExoWorld» international project: participation of Ukraine. Web-portal nashenebo.in.ua
02.08.2019 :: «IAU100 NameExoWorld» international project: participation of Ukraine. Web-portal astroosvita.kiev.ua
02.08.2019 :: «IAU100 NameExoWorld» international project: participation of Ukraine. Ukrainian astronomical portal
02.08.2019 :: Exoplanet.
01.08.2019 :: nameexoworlds.iau.org/ukraine.
12.04.2019 :: Vladimir Zakhozhai, vice president of the Ukrainian Astronomical Association. Web-portal "UKRINFO"